
2012只適合在設備良好的電影院看,不然是感受不到那些特效的威力,看完的第一個感想是,這真是一部燒錢的電影。第二個感想,有錢真好,如果沒有錢,那你運氣一定要非常好!再沒有運氣的話,至少也要有內線。內涵跟劇情不是導演Roland Emmerich的強項,災難內容包山包海,有玩命快遞、大地震、火山爆發、大海嘯最後再來個海神號,就差沒有外星人跟冷凍庫。第三個感想是,中國還是全世界最大的生產基地,而非洲總有一天會崛起。第四個感想是,Sony一定贊助了很多錢,才會出現的都是Sony Vaio還有SE的手機。(這是呼應少了那些富豪的幾百個億,就沒辦法建好方舟嗎?)


關於世界末日這個想法,在上一篇有稍微的提到,如果那天真的來到,那就「把剩下最好的時間留給最親愛的人吧」。至於2012是不是世界末日,相信的人很多,可能也包括MJ,再加上媒體的推波助瀾,這個時候就會有很多倡導世界末日信我得救贖的人出現。是否相信他們就可以得到救贖並倖免於難,各人有自己的看法。如果知道自己時日無多,會想要怎麼過你的人生?不如把世界末日的議題當作生命反思的機會,要CARPE DIEM(seize the day),活在當下,做對得起良心的事,每一天都當作是最後一天,好好的享受生命,善待自己也善待別人,2012真的沒有比2010年或2009年或任何一年來的重要,而再怎麼重要,也不會比現在這一刻來的重要。多用點心,每一天,世界都在提醒我們生命的有限跟人世無常。


最後送上Michael Jackson 的Earth Song

Written and Composed by Michael Jackson.

What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain.. .
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?

What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores

I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far

Hey, what about yesterday
What about the seas
The heavens are falling down
I can't even breathe
What about the bleeding Earth
Can't we feel its wounds
What about nature's worth
It's our planet's womb
What about animals
We've turned kingdoms to dust
What about elephants
Have we lost their trust
What about crying whales
We're ravaging the seas
What about forest trails
Burnt despite our pleas
What about the holy land
Torn apart by creed
What about the common man
Can't we set him free
What about children dying
Can't you hear them cry
Where did we go wrong
Someone tell me why
What about babies
What about the days
What about all their joy
What about the man
What about the crying man
What about Abraham
What about death again
Do we give a damn



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